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Hi, am Glad that you love to write on this Blog.
We accept article related to Social Media, programming, SEO & SEM and other Topics you see me writing on this Blog.

Please adhere to the guest Post submission Guideline.

Submission Guidelines

- Your post written for W3Guy.com must be original, in other words, the same has never been published on any other site/blog, including your own blog.
- You are not allowed to link to commercial sites /affiliate links in your Author Bio.
• Have in mind: If in your by-line/author bio, the link to your site is not a blog (in other words, the site is focused to sell exclusively products or services), then I’ll consider it as an advertiser and not as a blogger-guest writer.
• Optionally, you can include in your by-line an extra link to your preferred personal social-site namely: Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus or whatever.
• Proofread your article for grammatical or spelling errors. Anyway, I’ll check the same and if it were necessary, eventually, I can edit your work to correct it.
• The article should have at least a minimum of 400 words. If it’s possible, I prefer lengthy-quality articles; also it’d be scan able with headlines, sub-headlines, bulleted lists, etc.
• I request to guest writers replying to each of all the comments generated of their own guest post. This is a social blog therefore after the post is live, if you don’t reply to the comments individually, in a reasonable term of 2 days; No engage – no link, simple.
• Please use an email address associated to your Gravatar image that you check often, to follow the comment-notifications and engage with the readers. At the bottom of the comment box, you’ve a button “Notify me of follow up comments via e-mail” to follow-up all the comments.
• It’d be great if in your article, you can insert some linking to former posts on my blog, with topics-related to the same.
• Attach any images you want to include in the post, including the correspondent credits.

How long will it take for Your Guest Post to be Published on this Blog?

First I read your article or ideas and I’ll inform you if your guest post will be published and when.
Normally in two or three days, I’ll communicate with you about the status of your guest post. In one week, eventually, two weeks your article will be published, depending of the theme and other guest posts that I can have in the queue.

How to Submit Your Post

Use the Contact Form to contact me about your guest posting interest.